Xi Jinping’s political thought will be added to Chinese Communist Party constitution, but will his name be next to it?
Attachment of leader’s name to his political philosophy would put him on a par with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping
The constitution of China’s Communist Party will be amended during the 19th party congress next month to include the political thoughts of President Xi Jinping, state media reported on Monday.
Political analysts have long pondered how Xi’s political theories might be added to the charter, but the wait will soon be over, as the party’s 25-member politburo has already discussed a draft amendment that will be tabled for discussion at the twice-a-decade meeting, which opens on October 18, Xinhua reported.
“The party will write key theory and strategic thoughts [taken from] the report on the 19th Party Congress into [its] constitution,” the report said.
“The revised constitution will reflect the major strategic thoughts the central leadership has set forth since the 18th party congress”, it said.
China’s ruling party has published huge volumes on Xi’s political thoughts since he came to power five years ago. The inclusion of a personal political philosophy in the charter is an honour bestowed on several of Xi’s predecessors, but the big question now is whether the addition will also carry his name.