Chinese divorcees seek to change financially crippling clause in law
Under Chinese law, either partner can be forced to pay all of any debt occurred during marriage, lawyers say
Divorcees in China are advocating for the revision of an article in the country’s Marriage Law, saying a stipulation they remain jointly liable for any debts can ruin their lives.
Article 24 of the law, which was put in place in 2004, stipulates that at the time of divorce, any debts incurred during married life must be paid jointly by the couple.
Wei Xiaojun, a lawyer in Hangzhou, said Chinese law entitles creditors to recover the debt from either one of the divorced couple. If one ex-spouse was incapable of paying the debt, the other’s income and assets could be taken to cover it, he said.
One such divorcee, Wang Jinlan, 29, was quoted by China Youth Daily as saying she was shocked to receive a court notice asking her to pay debts incurred by her ex-husband when they were married.
“I had no idea what it was, she said. “It was only after I got the court notice that I found out my ex-husband had borrowed 3 million yuan (US$435,800).”