Li Keqiang has publicly expressed the frustration at the speed of reforms. Photo: AP

Politics and policies 

Following Premier Li Keqiang’s expression of frustration at the speed of reforms, China’s state council has issued a notice stipulating that all approved documents must be issued within seven days, and unclassified documents should, in principal, be put online on their issue dates. (Beijing Times) Read full SCMP story here


China has formed a Soccer Reform Leading Group, a "supra-ministerial coordinating committee", to officially kick-start the nation's ambitious campaign to boost the sport and push China to the top of the game worldwide. The group is led by Politburo member and Deputy Premier Liu Yandong. (Soccer News)

The Ministry of Environmental Protection says two agencies have disaffiliated since it ordered environmental rating agencies to end connections with it by the end of 2015. (Beijing Times)


Waging war against pollution: the state council is pushing to introduce clean oil products earlier. (
