Cartoon Xi Jinping returns in new animated adventures
A mystery mainland video-maker put a comic spin on the national anti-graft drive over the Lunar New Year, releasing three propaganda cartoons of an animated President Xi Jinping fighting corruption.

A mystery mainland video-maker put a comic spin on the national anti-graft drive over the Lunar New Year, releasing three propaganda cartoons of an animated President Xi Jinping fighting corruption.
Chaoyang Studio did not post any other videos or information about the account holder.
Xi is referred to in the cartoons as "Xi Dada", a close term for an older man, and is depicted mixing with locals on a visit to a Henan county and waving the flag for the "mass line" campaign, which aims to strengthen ties between party officials and the public.
In one scene the cartoon Xi hits a tiger with a big stick - a reference to his pledge to go after high-ranking officials.
By last night, one of the videos had more than 35,000 views, while the others had more than 15,000 each.