New | Draft law seeks to ban Guangzhou officials whose families live overseas from key positions
So-called 'naked officials' would not serve in important positions in supervision, human resources and finance departments, nor be considered for promotion

The Guangzhou government is soliciting public feedback on a draft anti-corruption regulation that would ban so-called “naked officials” – whose families have resettled overseas – from key positions.
The proposed regulation, which is seen as a significant move in the anti-graft campaign in the capital city of Guangdong, stipulates that such officials would not serve important positions in supervision, human resources and finance departments, nor be considered for promotion.
It also proposes regular reviews in which “officials and party cadres should be required to update personal information including marital status, property ownership, investment and children’s employment”, Xinhua reported.
The draft is expected to be summited to city legislators in late December.
Since February, the Guangdong provincial government has investigated 2,190 at-risk officials, most of them in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai, and has removed 866 from their posts, local media previously reported.
Meanwhile, at a forum in Beijing on Saturday, mainland law experts suggested that government officials who accepted gifts may face punishment according to the latest draft amendment of the criminal law, now under discussion.