New | 'Vampire drinks' banned by China’s food safety authority
Made to look like blood, the fruity beverages can no longer sink their teeth into the Chinese market, according to the government

China’s food safety authority has banned an eye-catching beverage after its distinctive packaging, which looks like a medical blood bag, attracted many young consumers.
The red fruit punch, made to look like human blood through its creative plastic packaging, is being sold by novelty-drinks vendors and online shops.
Drinking it would seem like a scene out of a vampire film, where the immortal undead could sip on human blood as if it were a soft drink.
However, the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) has thrown cold water on this fantasy.
On Monday, it issued a ban on the sales of all “vampire drink-like products”, saying they posed considerable food safety concerns due to the lack of permits or labelling information.
It ordered online shopping platforms to suspend all vendors selling the drinks.
In a statement released on its website, the CFDA said the products lacked any official manufacturing permits and the packages did not state production dates, safety certificates or the names of producers.