
Thinking of getting liposuction? Here’s what you need to know about the surgery that removes unwanted fat – with celebs like Cardi B, Sia and Amy Schumer sharing their experiences

Cardi B initially denied getting liposuction but later opened up about the surgery. Photo: Getty Images
Liposuction stands out as a popular procedure known for its ability to sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas. This surgical technique, celebrated for its direct approach to contouring and shaping, targets the stubborn fat that often resists diet and exercise. Despite its widespread acceptance and proven efficacy, liposuction carries a societal stigma, viewed by some as a “short cut” to weight loss.

Some might find that, even with a disciplined fitness regimen and a balanced diet, fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, thighs or under the chin simply do not budge. Factors such as metabolic rate, hormonal influences and genetic predispositions also play significant roles in how and where our bodies store fat, and it’s within this context that liposuction emerges as an option for those seeking to address these persistent areas.

Amy Schumer has opened up about her liposuction experience, which she underwent after endometriosis and a difficult pregnancy. Photo: Reuters

Celebrities opening up about their liposuction experiences has been a game-changer in how the world views this cosmetic procedure. Take Cardi B, for example, who talked about liposuction because she wanted to “explain to people how hard it is to process” getting liposuction done, per Hollywood Life. Then there’s Sia, who turned to liposuction after medication led to weight gain she couldn’t shake off with just diet or exercise.

Similarly, Amy Schumer candidly talked about her liposuction experience following her battle with endometriosis and a difficult pregnancy, per People, explaining how she never thought she’d go for such a procedure before that.

Liposuction surgery was first recorded in the 1920s, though the procedure as we understand it now developed in the late 20th century. Photo: Getty Images
Traditional liposuction, developed in the late 20th century, introduced a revolutionary method for fat removal by using a thin tube – known as the cannula – through small incisions in the skin to break up and vacuum fat from the body. Dr. Peter Lee, founder and CEO of LA-based Wave Plastic Surgery Center, explains that this method, known as the tumescent technique of liposuction, infuses isotonic fluid mixed with a vasoconstrictive medication such as epinephrine into the fat deposit to be removed.

“The different types of liposuction offered today are mostly variations on tumescent liposuction, differing in the volume and type of tumescent solution infused, the size and sharpness of the cannula used, and the application of different types of energy before or after the liposuction to achieve a greater degree of skin contraction,” he says.

Liposuction may entail a lengthy recovery process for the patient. Photo: Wave Plastic Surgery

While traditional liposuction marked a significant advancement in cosmetic surgery, it wasn’t without its drawbacks. The recovery process could be lengthy and uncomfortable, with patients often experiencing significant bruising and swelling; a period of downtime was required to heal.

As technology advances, less invasive liposuction procedures have also become possible. Photo: Glo Sun Spa

As technology and medical knowledge advanced, so did the techniques for liposuction. Lee, for example, says that in his practice, they’ve found that BodyTite, a method that uses radio-frequency energy to tighten the skin during the procedure, offers many of the advantages of other energy-based liposuction techniques but minimises the associated discomfort and risk of complications.

“BodyTite uses a radiofrequency probe applied through a microincision to apply energy to the deep surface of the skin, resulting in consistent subdermal adipose remodelling and long-term soft tissue contraction, while minimising the risks associated with other forms of energy delivery,” he explains.

Other methods, such as Ultrasound-assisted High Definition (UCHD) liposuction, utilise ultrasound energy to liquefy fat before its removal, promoting a more precise and less invasive extraction of fat cells. This allows for easier removal of fat and minimises damage to surrounding tissues, resulting in a smoother recovery process and enhanced sculpting capabilities.

Woman receiving slimming lipo-laser therapy in beauty salon. Photo: Getty Images

As the demand for less invasive cosmetic procedures grows, non-surgical alternatives to liposuction have gained prominence, offering individuals the chance to reduce fat and contour their bodies without the need for surgery. Among these, cryolipolysis stands out as a leading option; Coolsculpting, a branded form of cryolipolysis, involves applying a device to the skin’s surface, which cools fat cells to a temperature that causes their natural death, without damage to the surrounding skin or tissue.

Even though the non-surgical Coolsculpting can be a less invasive procedure, it only works for certain kinds of patients. Photo: Glo Sun Spa

Over the weeks following the treatment, the body naturally processes and eliminates these cells, resulting in a reduction of fat in the treated areas – an approach particularly appealing to those seeking a less dramatic solution or those with smaller areas of fat they wish to address.

“We do offer Coolsculpting to patients who are determined to avoid the operating room, but do have some areas of excess fat they would like to address,” Lee says. He points out that, generally speaking, Coolsculpting works best for patients who have excellent skin elasticity, very specific localised areas of fat deposits, as well as modest expectations and patience.

“It’s also important for patients to understand that although Coolsculpting can achieve spot reductions of adiposity in focal areas, there is almost no tightening of the skin associated with the procedure,” he adds.

  • As demand for liposuction grows, so is the range of techniques: LA-based Wave Plastic Surgery Center offers BodyTite, a modern method that uses radio-frequency energy to tighten the skin
  • Coolsculpting, a form of cryolipolysis, is non-surgical and involves applying a device to the skin’s surface and cooling fat cells to a temperature that causes their natural death