Take fluoride out of our water
I refer to the letter by David Wong, of the Water Supplies Department ("Fluoridation of drinking water protects teeth", February 8) in reply to the letter by G. Holloway, ("Orwellian practice must end in HK", January 27).

Fluoride is a toxic additive that harms brain functioning in adults and children. It can be lethal at only five grams. Like G. Holloway, I would like to know why Hong Kong's water supply, unlike many advanced countries, is still being treated with toxic fluoride.
Mr Wong took a defensive stance on fluoridation, citing outdated studies, while never showing concern for the other side.
He ambiguously never states what exactly is being added to our water (sodium fluoride or calcium fluoride), where it was sourced from, or how - as a by-product of aluminium manufacturing.
He says the Water Supplies and Health departments will keep monitoring fluoride content and "the latest scientific development". Well, those departments haven't been monitoring closely enough.
Numerous studies show harm from consuming fluoride. Many cities have chosen to abandon fluoridation and it is now Hong Kong's turn.