The Great LOL of China | The Great LOL of China North America Tour!

If I’ve learned anything about how to perform intercultural comedy, it is that the more absurd my life seems to be, the better a job I am doing as a comedian.
Whenever I find myself about to go onstage in front of an audience of Chinese speakers, I recall that compared to most of my fellow US college graduate friends, my life has completely descended into absurdity.
But I enjoy the absurdity, and have decided to embrace it and double down. So, it is with great pleasure that I have the chance to announce the Great LOL of China North America Tour!

I will be doing Chinese-language comedy shows at universities across the continent, as well as English-language talks about Xiangsheng, humor, and how comedy brings people together. Along the way, I aim to answer questions that many were too smart to ask, such as:
“Why should Americans and Canadians care about Chinese comedy?”