Communist Party mouthpiece website deletes poll after embarrassing results

The website of a state-owned magazine closed an online poll it was running on China’s existing political system a few hours after it went viral on Twitter on Monday morning after respondents showed a lack of faith in the Communist Party.


The poll was launched by the website of the , a central-level magazine run by Communist Party mouthpiece the .

The magazine’s research centre posted four questions online and asked netizens if they agreed with them or not.


The questions were: does the Communist Party have enough courage and wisdom to push forward reform; does socialism with Chinese characteristics represents the fundamental interests of the people; is the Communist Party the only party that can guide people to follow socialism with Chinese characteristics; and are you satisfied with China’s political system of multi-party co-operation under one party’s leadership?

Participants were able to see the automatically generated results on the site after voting. By the time the site closed the poll, a total of around 3,000 people had voted and about 80 per cent of them had disagreed with all four questions.
