A photo of CCTV's news coverage on Tuesday gone viral. (Source: SCMP Pictures)

Chinese Central Television’s news channel reported during its Tuesday evening news that Virgin Atlantic, the airline owned by billionaire Richard Branson, was launching the world’s first ever glass-floored air plane.


Embarrassingly, the story was an April Fools' joke, and Chinese netizens were quick to take the national broadcaster to task.

“The new aircraft will offer every passenger the chance of a bird's eye view with an extra special opportunity to look down on the beautiful scenery of Great Britain as they fly,” the company said in a blog post dated April 1.
Virgin did link to a report by the British tabloid The Daily Mirror, which identified the story as a spoof.
Photos of the CCTV report have gone viral on Sina Weibo with thousands of retweets and comments.

“CCTV’s only job is to brainwash, the choice between truth or lies is just a question of editing,” one person commented.
