Opinion | Another Chinese news outlet falls victim to satire, fooled on fake Krugman report
A sardonic piece taking a snub at America’s high-priest of Keynesianism was published by satirical news website The Daily Currant last week.

Renowned American economist Paul Krugman is broke. The high-flying academic, author and New York Times columnist declared personal bankruptcy last week after he spent way more than he could ever make on purchases such as “rare Portuguese wines and 19th century English cloth”.
Sound phony? That’s because it is. (Anyone who has taken Econ 101 would have probably picked up on the wine and cloth joke).
The newspaper, one of China’s leading business newspapers, was fooled after it reported on the the Currant's Krugman story, on Sunday, on Chinese social media platform Weibo, with the headline (in Chinese): “Krugman, Nobel laureate, files for personal bankruptcy”.