Phoebe Zhang
Phoebe Zhang
Senior Reporter, China
Phoebe Zhang is a senior reporter with the South China Morning Post. She has a master's degree in journalism. She likes to write human-interest stories and has written many about people living on the fringes of society. She believes there's no story or person that's too small.

Yao Yang from Peking University says a developed, capitalist market and openness to immigrants helped the United States lead the way over the past century.


Viral photo appears to show judicial officers and court staff instructing lower court judge via WeChat during criminal trial in northwest China, prompting lawyers to condemn the actions.

A viral video on Weibo has sparked discussion on painful medical tools and the lack of care women suffer during gynaecology appointments. While pain relief treatments such as epidurals during labour remain uncommon in China, hospitals can still do more to provide comfort and communicate with patients.


Chen Wenqing, who oversees police and intelligence, will go to Moscow for international security meeting a month after terror attack rattles Russia and ahead of anticipated visit by Vladimir Putin.

A student expelled after beating a cat has prompted debate about morality and the lack of animal cruelty laws. Lawyers say it is difficult to define abuse or decide which animals to include, but tough laws could also ultimately help protect people from violent offenders.


A ‘basic system of professional community workers’ must be built within five years, Communist Party and State Council say in joint notice, as Beijing continues drive to strengthen central control.

Foreigners make 2.95 million trips to and from China in January and February, more than double the amount in the previous two-month period, with increase in visitors from France, Germany, Singapore and other countries covered by new visa rules.

More direct supervision of county-level cases by higher bodies needed to check ‘circle of acquaintances’ effect, article in CCDI magazine by case supervision office says.

Detention of three teens over the death of a third – all ‘left-behind children’ – should prompt national reflection on their neglect, first by the parents, then by the state.


The two officials have ties to state-run resort alleged to owe millions in back payments to construction firm owner who was arrested for ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’ after refusing settlement offer.


In this week’s issue of the Global Impact newsletter, we reflect on renewed hope for the resumption of a search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 a decade after its mysterious disappearance.


The debate over the ban on setting off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the new year arises anew every time the festival comes around. A balance should be struck, and local governments have the leeway to set regulations appropriate to the situation.


Local governments and China’s top court are both tackling marriage tradition of a groom paying the bride’s family, calling it a ‘burden’ and ‘extortion’ but women’s rights advocates say addressing gender inequalities may be effective.


The first Politburo meeting of 2024 – a year that marks the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic – focused on political control and party discipline.


If Beijing really wants encourage marriage, rather than putting pressure on women and their family to stop this admittedly problematic custom, it should address the gender inequalities that make marriage unattractive to women.
